Notice on Use of Personal Data subsequent to amendment of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance |
To ensure that you are informed of the latest information about studying in the UK and other related matters, we might be delivering information to you related to studying abroad or for recruitment purposes of Chamberlain. Should you not wish to receive any such information, kindly inform us by emailing to |
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Chamberlain Educational Services Limited (Chamberlain Educational Services Centre), Chamberlain Educational Consultancy Limited (China), International Creative Art & Design Academy and all its related companies “the Companies” have used reasonable endeavors to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, both the Companies and their employees accept no responsibility and/or liability for any reliance or any action taken in reliance on the content of the document provided. |
有关个人(私人)条例(修订)新增的使用个人资料通知 |
为确保您能收到我们的最新有关英国升学及相关讯息,我们将有机会透过您的个人资料(包括:姓名、电话、电邮及地址)向您发送有关天麟教育之服务及留学讯息。倘若您希望停止收取任何讯息,请电邮至info@chamberlain-edu.com通知我们。 |
免责声明 |
天麟教育服务有限公司(天麟教育),广州天麟教育顾问有限公司,天麟海外艺术创意启发中心及其所有有关之公司[合称“本公司”]经已采取一切合理措施,以确保所有资料的真确性。但由于学院资料或其他实际情况会有所更新或由于其他种种原因,本网站提供的一切资料未必能够完全准确。本公司及其雇员均对所有基本所提供的资料或其内容而采取或没有采取的行动概不承担任何法律及其他责任。 |